Money Mule or Advanced Fee Fraud Scam? You Decide.

I was reading an interesting question posed on the Scam board on Reddit.  A user there had recently engaged with someone online who he felt was trying to scam them.   The scammer was posing as a girl out of the UK and soliciting Korean’s to partner in a scam with them.

The question is posed, what kind of scam is this?  What do you think the end game is here?

This was the script he received as soon as he called the bank.

What is Happening Here in Your Opinion?

Is this an advance fee scam where the victim unknowingly calls this “bank” and is required to pay an advance fee to get a cut of the proceeds?  Is he being recruited to being a mule?  Is this a card fraud scheme where he will be forwarding money?  Is this a money laundering scheme.

When you review these scams in real-time from a victims perspective, it is easy to see how confusing and alluring these scams can be and how convincing the scamsters can be.

What do you think is happening here?

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