Dark Tower Exposes Pig Butchering Recruiting Sites

Trionix Multitech, “a crypto currency company” is looking for female models to join them in exotic locations. They pay $5,000 a month, and that doesn’t even include room and board.

If a girl accepts a job from one of these sites however, she will join the estimated 100,000 other girls the Los Angeles Times estimates are enslaved and forced to carry out scams.

A stunning blog post by Gary Warner with Dark Tower has exposed the dark world of Pig Butchering recruitment and how it is being carried out through online websites and non existent cryptocurrency companies in Thailand.

In the blog post, he explores how girls are lured into jobs with Trionix (and other fake companies) and then instructed how they will arrive at the job site – a process which involves flights, hotels, boats, and taxi rides to the location.

And this website for Trionix Multitech is only 1 of 25,000 domains that Dark Tower has linked to crypto fraud and scams.

Want to see more of these sites -> Click on this link here to see about 4,200 domains that they uncovered.

Legitimate Looking Companies Offering Strange Job Options

The websites could fool anyone, particularly someone looking for their dream job in a poor country. The sites are fake, the companies are not real and the multitude of tech jobs they offer are just a ruse to make their victims believe it’s a legitimate operation.

The sites all look and feel the same, you can check a few out;

The career pages offer positions that you might expect from a cryptocurrency platform – Full stack engineers, developers, security engineers.

But they also offer odd positions right smack in the middle – Model. Why would a cryptocurrency platform need a model?

The sites all offer what they call a “RoadMap”.

To anyone in business, a roadmap usually refers to a companies business strategy. But for these sites, a roadmap literally means a map to tell the girls how they will end up in their slave camps.

This is where things get very weird indeeed.

The Very Long Journey A “Model Will Take To Their Job”

If your wondering what the instructions are to get to the job site, Cryptoversess provides a glimpse into the journey the model will take to their job.

Ironically, the journey looks brutal. In fact, to some it might appear that you are making a journey to a remote inescapable prison.

This is it.

As Gary Warner points out in his blog post, “Several news articles have indicated the presence of “Cyber Slaves” in Mae Sot, and imply that the slave masters have the ability to easily transport their “employees” to Myanmar, which is 15 minutes away from the Mae Sot location”

This is the journey that thousands of poor girls, women and men have probably taken on their journey into slavery.

Promising A Comfortable Working Environment and 4 Meals A Day

The job offers might appeal to someone looking for good wages and a comfortable working environment. This company Everglow International claims to have over 20,000 employees in their business park

They offer a clean rooms, and even VIP rooms – presumably if you pay more or have a better job.

And they promise a clean working environment, non-crowded rooms and 4 meals a day.

You might be able to see why some poor people would be attracted to this working environment that might appear very comfortable.

Help! I Was Hired For A Job Offer in Mae Sot

For every girl that falls victim to this terrible scam there is a story – someone just wanting a better life for themself or a good job.

I was perusing Reddit and found one victim, that posted for help about one year ago – presumably from this same Pig Butchering Operation. The request was posted by Reddit User – K3N. She ultimately figured out it was a potential trafficking situation but many others were probably not so lucky.

“I was looking for a job in Thailand and then I saw this ad about a customer service associate. This company is based on Mae Sot. I did a little research about the company, they do have a website but it isn’t updated since 2019, they offered me $1800 as a blockchain customer support. This company is a Chinese company, what sets me off is how they processed my application. Since the wage at stake really high, I was expecting a virtual interview (Im not in Thailand as of the moment) and questions about the job roles but what the operation manager of the company asked me to do is book my own ticket to Thailand (they advertised this as FREE FLIGHT) and said they will process my working visa upon arrival. And they said they will reimburse my spendings on getting to Thailand and avoiding my home country’s immigration fees. Pretty sketchy for me and I don’t think I will proceed to taking the job coz all flags point to human trafficking. I will not post the details of the company because I have no idea yet if they are a legit company. They didnt give the exact address but what I know is this is the industrial park across the Thailand-Burma border in Tak. Please help if anyone has an idea about this company who says they are a blockchain technology company.”

Reddit User

Am I Going To Be Kidnapped In Mae Sot?

For another Reddit user, Alternative Cell, she felt she was going to be kidnapped and implored other users for help.

There Has Been An Unprecedented Wave In Trafficking

And these post and stories on Reddit are just several of thousands of stories that are appearing online and in social media post.

In April of this year, Nina Muslim with BFOCUS wrote an expose on the journey that many Malaysians had gone through who responded to these job offers.

According to Itayi Viriri of the IOM, there has been an unprecedented wave of trafficked people into Southeast Asia and he attributes it to social media and exactly the type of schemes that Gary Warner writes about.

“The kind of numbers we are seeing now and the diversity of the nationalities of the victims, that is completely unprecedented. In fact, we don’t think we have seen that kind of trafficking set up ever before. We think that also says something about the way social networks and online media can be used,” he said to Nina Muslim.

Pig Butchering Is A Devastating Crime For Everyone

The first time I had heard of the Pig Butchering was in January of 2022 when I read an article in the South China Post about Pig Slaughter. I wrote about how girls were being forced to scam.

At the time, the Chinese Triad gangs were rumored to run these trafficking operations but since then it has become much more widespread.

Thousands of Chinese Nationals, some as young as 15 are being trafficked through these schemes.

If you have not read up on Pig Butchering, Vice has just released a trailer for an upcoming report called Catfished By Captives, which covers the online scam industry built on slavery.

This is great background on the problem.

Read The Full Dark Tower Blog Post Here

If you would like to read the entire blog post by Gary Warner, I recommend you check it out here.

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