Voice Deepfakes Cross the Uncanny Valley: Brace Yourselves

Michelle thought the message from her newfound internet love Michelle sounded perfect. The voice had the same warmth and familiar cadence of a real message, including pauses and um’s in just the right places.

Michelle’s experience is exactly what many victims are finding- Voice clones are perfect now.

A Quantum Leap Forward In Deepfakes

Voice deepfakes have made a quantum leap forward, according to research published by Sesame AI. Their new model represents a breakthrough in creating AI-generated voices that are virtually indistinguishable from human speech in controlled tests.

A stunning demo is available for anyone to try here.

This Woman Was Dumbfounded Voice Clone Was AI

A new video on Catfished reveals how one Rachel, a scam victim was dumbfounded when they showed her how she had been scammed by voice messages that sounded almost entirely real.

Click to watch this video to listen to the deepfakes yourself, and then watch as the Catfished team exposes how the scammers did it.

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