No Sim Swap Hackers Easily Trap Calls, Texts and OTP’s

You will not believe this is even possible, but it is.

A shocking new video proves how easy it is for hackers to intercept calls, steal one-time passcodes, intercept text messages, and track your location.

I had written about this exploit over a year ago when software called SimSu was released into the wild. You can read that article here- SimSu Gives Fraudsters A Scary Powerful Tool.

Linus Sebastian: They Hacked His Phone Live!

A hacker can pay a couple of thousand dollars, gain access to SS7, and then hack someone’s phone using as little as a phone number as a starting point.

In this case, White Hat Hacker Derek Muller of Veritasium created a YouTube video demonstrating how he hacked into Linus Sebastian of Tech Tips’s phone using just his phone number.

They exploited flaws in the aging SS7 Network, a telecom provider’s signaling system that controls how telephone calls are routed and billed. It also enables SMS text messaging, voice mail, call forwarding, and mobile phone roaming.

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