People Are Learning To Live The Unethical Life Online

Why do fraud and scam attempts keep going up year over year? Is organized crime becoming more prolific? Are there more dark web hackers coming online? Has technology made it easier to steal? Are people becoming less honest and exploiting the system with dishonest deeds?

The answer to all of those questions, unfortunately, is Yes.

But what I want to tackle here is the last question – Are people fundamentally becoming more dishonest? I believe they are. And I believe social media is largely to blame.

Social Media Teaches You Things Mother Would Never Approve of

Social media platforms are providing scammers and hackers classrooms for them to connect with millions of people. With that platform, they share methods of how to commit fraud, exploit companies and individuals for personal gain and generally do things your mother would never approve of.

And you only need to look to Reddit, Telegram, Instagram, and YouTube to see many examples of it in action.

If you are a newbie trying to learn how to use stolen cards – just go to Reddit and you can learn.

If you are trying to figure out how to use a CPN to create a fake credit profile – there are thousands of instructional videos on Youtube.

And if you are looking for ways to steal an identity you can find the information you need on one of hundreds of Telegram forums.

A New Generation of Fraudsters is Rising

Social media is spawning a new generation of fraudsters – good people just doing dumb things they learned online.

But this spells bad news for banks, merchants and lenders who risk being exploited by exponentially more people than ever before.

In today’s world anyone can be a fraudster. They can learn instantly. The only thing they need is an internet connection.

No Longer in the Shadows

Years ago, if you wanted to engage in fraud or illegal activity you had to log into the Dark Web and engage with other scammers in the dark shadows.

But that is not the case today. Fraudsters, scammers and hackers openly engage with each other and their victims audaciously on those social media platforms.

Perhaps, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and Google are just too busy to control the wave of scams and fraud that is promoted and shared on their platforms.

Or perhaps, fraud has become an accepted activity and there is no shame in it.

There is no need to hide because everyone is doing it.

Top Examples of Shady Things People Are Learning Online

I decided to see first hand, what types of shady things I could learn online. I logged on to Reddit and surprisingly learned some very valuable tips courtesy of subreddits Unethical Life Pro Tips, and Illegal Life Pro Tips.

#1 – Never Pay For Laundry Again (60,000 Upvotes)

#2 – Put Other People’s Business Cards On Cars You Hit and Run (54,000 Upvotes)

#3 – Blame it On The Blood Bank (43,000 Upvotes)

#4 – Fool a Relative or Friend With Your Computer Fix it Skills (42,000 Upvotes)

#5 – Extend Your “College Discounts” by 4 Years (36,000 Upvotes)

#6 – Buy and Return Something To Avoid Paying Your Credit Card Bill (34,000 Upvotes)

#7 – When Robbing a Bank, Keep Your Middle Finger Extended (33,000 Upvotes)

#8 – Get Military Discounts With A Special Code (32,000 Upvotes)

#9 – Get in Any Gated Community (29,000 Upvotes)

#10 – Fake The Same Flu Your Co-Worker Got (25,000 Upvotes)

#11 – Get Your Love Interest Banned on Dating Sites to Increase Your Odds (25,000 Upvotes)

#12 – Don’t Report Shoplifting (25,000 Upvotes)

#13 – Have Homeless People Arrested So They Don’t Bother You (25,000 Upvotes)

#14 – Pad Insurance Claims With Broken Things From Your House (25,000 Upvotes)

#15 – Swipe Your Own Reward Card at Work (23,000 Upvotes)

#16 – Sell Drugs As An Uber Driver (13,000 Upvotes)

#17 – Shoplift More Effectively (11,000 Upvotes)

#18 – Scam People By Selling Fake Fraud Bibles (10,000 Upvotes)

#19 – Bury A Dog to Hide Your Murder (9,000 Upvotes)

#20 – Don’t Bring Your ID to Emergency Room To Hide Your Identity (35,000 Upvotes)

First Party Fraud Rising

With all of this unethical sharing on social media, banks need to be increasingly on the look-out for First Party fraud schemes.

First party fraud – fraud perpetrated by your customers – is the biggest challenges, merchants, banks and lenders will face over the next 5 years.

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