Listen to This OTP Fraud Bot Try To Steal From A Victim

A couple of months ago I wrote about a new breed of Bots called OTP Bots. The bots are programmed to extract one-time passwords from victims with zero human-to-human interaction.

These bots are nothing more than sinister robocall bots that have been programmed to call unsuspecting victims and convince them to turn over one-time passwords or SMS codes which can then be used by the end fraudsters to login and ransack their accounts.

The services are remarkably simple to use and are paid on a subscription service. You can see one service and how they market their services.

Users Of These Services Are Now Skyrocketing

Well, earlier this month CyberNews Researchers dug deeper into these bots and found some additional information on how these bots are operating.

Apparently, these turnkey services are so easy to use that there is a growing number of users taking advantage of the service.

CyberNews reports that “The bot itself is being sold on a Telegram chat room that currently boasts more than 6,000 members, netting its creator’s massive profits from selling monthly subscriptions to criminals. Meanwhile, its users openly flaunt their five-figure gains from ransacking their targets’ bank accounts. 

And they also recorded one of the Bots in actions which you can listen to here.

This trend of fraud for hire services is really booming!

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