New Dastardly Self Check-Out Scam Emerges At Walmart

Walmart shoppers have been complaining about a new self-checkout scam stealing their hard-earned money.

The scam was first reported on Classic 96.1 by an anonymous Walmart customer in Spring Texas, who was shocked to find an unidentified charge on their receipt when they got home.

The receipt showed a mysterious item called “Debit Load” for $20; they had no idea what that charge was for.

According to the victim, she had gone to the Walmart at 2978 and Woodlands Parkway in Spring, Texas, and used one of the self-checkout kiosks.

After she had finished, the amount seemed far to high for the few knick-knacks that she had purchased so she looked at the receipt and noticed the unexpected $20 purchase for “debit load” and another charge for “Visa”.

Both were unrecognized and she had no idea what to do.

She Went To Walmart Customer Service and Complained And That Is Where She Learned Of The Scam

Concerned, the woman went to the Customer Service counter at the store and spoke with the sales associate.

She was told it was a new scam that had emerged in the area. And apparently, the person doing the scam was caught on video surveillance by store security.

The scam was going like this. Scammers were going to the self-check-out kiosk, scanning pre-paid debit cards, and pocketing the debit cards without completing the checkout or payment. When the next unsuspecting person showed up to check out, they would inadvertently complete payment for their own goods and the debit cards the scammer had put into the cart.

This new scam could be dangerous because not many people actually check those receipts or make sure that nothing is in the cart before they begin their own checkout process.

Another good reason to keep your eye on those receipts before you leave the store so you don’t become a victim.

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