Glitch Aftermath – Panicked Tik Toker’s Lawyering Up

If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Many are learning this valuable lesson all too well in the aftermath of the Chase Infinite Money Glitch.

Some TikTokers are panicking and posting videos of their situation, claiming they had no idea they were committing fraud.

She Is Paranoid And Has “Lawyered Up”

On TikToker, 26DAIDAI can be seen in this video in a paranoid state, saying that she has parked her car in front of her lawyer building, leaving her hazard lights running.

It’s unclear if this is some kind of skit or the real deal, but in any case, these types of videos are making the rounds on Tik Tok.

“I’m not playing, I am lawyering up” she says. In a later video, she can be seen fleeing the building in a panic because she thinks someone is following her.

I Am Down In The Hole $99 Billion Dollars!

Another TikTok user, Samuel, shares his experience, claiming he is in the hole of $99 billion—a reference to the screenshots of people’s massive negative balances after perpetrating the Chase Glitch.

The video on the left shows Samuel the morning after, and on the right, he updates his situation.

Again, it’s not clear if this is real or a skit for views.

Chase Bank Glitch Gone Wrong

“I did the Chase Bank Glitch,” he says. “I wish somebody had told me what this was because now I owe these people $32,000”

He claims it only took about 90 minutes for his deposit to go through so that he could get the money.

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