Fraud Gang Sold Fake Glasses To See People Naked

Strange news out of India this week.

Remember those gag glasses called X-Ray Specs that you used to get as a kid? They claimed to be able to help you see people’s skeletons.

Well, in Chennai India, a gang of four fraudsters was arrested for an elaborate hoax to sell glasses with “special powers” that could help you see people naked, even though they might be fully clothed.

The group was arrested from a hotel in Kodambakam.

They Fooled Rich Businessmen By Showing Them Videos Of The Glasses Powers

The scammers would target businessmen in the area where they operated. They would approach a businessman, bring him to a hotel and then show them videos of how the special glasses worked. The videos would show people wearing the glasses and gaining powers to see right through peoples clothes!

After the businessmen were interested, they would then offer to take them to a secret location to try the glasses out.

They would bring the victim to a room, let them try on the glasses, and lo and behold, the glasses seemingly worked. The victims could actually see a naked woman in a darkened room. Little did they know that the scammers had hired models to pose naked as part of the scheme.

Apparently, the ruse worked, and the Fraud Quad was able to sell three pairs of the very powerful special glasses.

They Were Arrested When One Victim Realized He Was Duped

Well, the scammers were eventually arrested when one of the victims keenly realized that he had been duped for 5 Lakh, which is close to $6,500 in US dollars. These were some expensive specs.

When he went back to get his money, the scammers threatened him with, you guessed it, a fake gun.

They were all arrested and awaiting sentencing.

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