Money2020 and the conference season are in full effect and the question on everyone’s mind is of course.
“What should I wear?”
In the new ultra-casual business world, this is more complex than it used to be.
In the 1970’s, it was clear cut – you would find the brownest coat and widest and most colorful tie you could find and wear that.
But in 2023, you could wear anything. You could dress up, or simply roll out of bed and show up if you wanted to.

If you’re in fraud management and you’re headed to Money2020, what are you wearing? ?
If you’re not sure yet, you’re not alone. In fact, many people wait until the last minute to figure it out!
But have no worries, I have decoded the range of outfits you can choose from.
These are the typical characters you will find at Money2020 and their style choice.
Which one will you wear? ?
#1 – The Sporty Fraud Startup Look
The fresh, sporty look with white Converse is a fresh look perfect for any high-energy startup. It’s a perfect mix of both casual and business.

#2 – The Fun Fraud Sales Exec
It’s time to PARTAAAY. That’s what the fun fraud sales exec’s are all about at the conference.
You will rarely see this character at the booth and they will usually only pop-up somewhere after 2 pm, ready to party and mingle.

#3 – The Look At Me Guy
No one actually knows why this guy is at the conference, but he usually has an outlandish outfit on and getting noticed.
The “Look At Me” outfit comes with an optional parrot for added attractability power.

#4 – The Guy Who Invented Falcon
A popular look – “The Guy Who Invented Falcon”- has been used by thousands at conferences through the years.
Mostly, this guy or gal will talk about “fraud in the 90’s” and how cool it was. He may have, or possibly not, actually invented Falcon.

#5 – Old School Sales Guy
While most of the younger fraud peoples are strutting around in business casual, Old School Sales Guy means business and he wears a suit and tie.
The only way to get a deal done is “eyeball to eyeball” is his motto.

#6 – The Classic Fraud Product Dude
A wildly popular look and character. This stock look comes with a polo and khakis of your choice. The Classic dude is at the booth but has a list of reasons he can’t help you
- Too new at the company
- Doesn’t actually know what they do
- He knows an expert he can get on a zoom call with you next week

#7 – Too Old For This Shit Guy
This could be his last conference. The “Too Old For This Shit” guy has been to thousands of conferences, collected millions of pieces of vendor nick nacks, and is so over conferences.
This package comes with 4 extra hours of booth duty and a card to send “Too Old For This Shit” guy to the back of the Starbucks line!

#8 – Outdated Sales Technology Guy
Whatever piece of fraud software he is selling is so far out of date it makes Windows 95 look like a masterpiece of modern technology. This guys look, matches his tech.

#9 – The VC
You know this look all to well but it is a slam dunk for VC’s but also an amazing look for fraud founders that want to send a signal to VC’s that they are looking for money.

#10 – The Sloppy Fraud Unicorn
Nothing says “I don’t need you and I don’t need your money” oh yeah, “I also don’t need customers” more than the “Sloppy Unicorn” look.
This guy literally looks like he just rolled out of bed, because he literally just rolled out of bed.

What Is Your Fraud Conference Style?
So what is your fraud conference style? So many options to choose from.
I would love to hear if I missed any of the typical looks!
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