Faces Of Fraud – New Ai Generated Fraud Awareness

To show the growth of fraudsters’ capabilities, HSBC has released a technologically advanced campaign that uses artificial intelligence to generate composites of the faces behind the voices of those behind the scams.

The education campaign, titled “Faces of Fraud”, was developed by Wunderman Thompson and follows a forecast from payment processing firm Merchant Savvy that payment fraud will cost the public $40.62 billion in 2027.

Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh partnered with HSBC to develop this AI, which through voice data can identify characteristics including gender, ethnicity, weight, and age to predict what a fraudster may look like.

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The Ai faces might not be perfect but they definitely help bring the content to life and show their customers how a scammer might interact with them.

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The global chief creative officer at Wunderman Thompson, Bas Korsten, expressed that no one is immune from fraud and hopes HSBC’s new technology can help tackle the problem.

“Our hope is by giving these scammers a face we can educate people on what tactics they may be using so as longs it becomes more widely known there will eventually come an end,” he added

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