5 Reasons Machine Learning Won’t Eliminate Fraud Analyst
Computing power is doubling every two years. As computers become increasingly powerful, we are finally able to capitalize on the enormous power of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Self-driving cars, stores without cashiers where you simply walk out with your merchandise and have your card charged automatically, the ability to ask SIRI anything and get an immediate and […]
Online Merchants Will Not Be Liable For Fraud In 3 Years
Here is a bold statement. “Within three years merchants will no longer be liable for credit card fraud online”, said Skye Spear, vice president of partnerships at Signifyd That quote in Forbes caught my attention. Then I took a closer look at what Skye Spear and his company are doing to make that possible. Yes, […]
CEO Fraud 2.0 – It’s Like Fraud on Steroids
Imagine getting an email from the CEO of your company requesting that you email out a zip file containing last year’s W2 forms to a new accounting firm that is “helping your company with taxes”. Accounting and payroll departments all over the US are getting emails like this one each and every day. And they’re […]