Don’t Get Hit with ShotGunning Fraud

Don’t cue up the old western music.  I’m not talking about actual shotguns here.  And I’m not suggesting you buy a gun to protect yourself. What I am talking about is a very specific type of fraud scam that some in the industry like to refer as “Shotgunning or ShotGun Fraud”.  Actually it’s not a […]

13 People Arrested for Using CPN’s To Defraud 3 Banks

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again – using a CPN is a fraud and you can go to jail. If you don’t believe me just ask the 14 people that were arrested and charged in Milwaukee County accused of defrauding banks for over $500,000. Instead of using their correct social security […]

Online Fraud Attempts Are Up Almost 400%

The Global Fraud Index published by Forter for Q3 2016 is out and it shows a massive uptick in the level of online fraud losses. From 2015 to 2016, fraudsters have been working overtime racking up more fraud attempts on a rate basis than we have seen for many years.  The Global Fraud Index shows […]