Auto Fraud – The Story of A Would Be Straw Man
In the summer of 2013, I was an unemployed ex-con twice over, living next door to my mother-in-law in a house with no floors. Being June in Georgia, it was hotter than two hamsters farting in a wool sock. Work was rare. Even my dog looked disappointed in me. Something had to happen. Soon. So […]
35 Lies People Tell on Auto Loan Applications
Lies, lies, lies. I was talking to someone the other day and they asked me a simple question “What is auto lending fraud? Do people actually lie on their auto loan applications?” It doesn’t seem like something that would actually happen very often right? I mean the person has to go to the car dealership […]
Proliferation of Fake Pay Stub Sites Show How Easy Fraud Is
Everybody wants to pretend they are rich when they apply for a loan. But everybody wants to pretend they’re poor when they have to pay it back. Most people are honest, but there are quite a few that are willing to pretend they’re rich and even lie about how much they make. And a plethora of fake paystub […]
5 Ways Dealers Can Scam Both Car Buyers and Lenders
Tom Richardson had bad credit. His credit score dropped to less than 600 last year when he had a workplace accident and he had to go on disability. With the crippling debt of the hospital bills mounting, and the $75,000 in student loan debt he had to pay back there was no way he could […]
Synthetic ID Fraud is Hot, But Think Bigger
As fraudsters become more sophisticated, more types of fraud are affecting auto finance. But rather than put the bulk of resources into emerging fraud types, auto lenders should develop a holistic approach to fighting fraud, experts say. “There is a tendency for lenders to react to the fraud of the moment,” which for now is […]
Machines Can Identify Income Fraud Without Verification
Income Fraud is one of the most common types of fraud that impacts lenders. People lie about their income in order to qualify for the loan. As a case in point, 1 in 5 borrower’s admitted in a survey that they misrepresented their income on their application for a car loan. In Australia, 1 in 6 […]
5 Reasons Machine Learning Won’t Eliminate Fraud Analyst
Computing power is doubling every two years. As computers become increasingly powerful, we are finally able to capitalize on the enormous power of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Self-driving cars, stores without cashiers where you simply walk out with your merchandise and have your card charged automatically, the ability to ask SIRI anything and get an immediate and […]
10 Hot Spots for Auto Lending Fraud in the US
Auto Lending Fraud does not get a lot of attention here in the US. If you consider that the fraud rate is about 50 basis points and there are close to $1 trillion in loans, the losses mount up pretty quickly. After doing some research and analysis of loan portfolio’s we were able to determine […]
Auto Lending Is the Next Mortgage Crisis
Auto Lending Fraud is a billion dollar problem here in the US. An overwhelming majority of dealers are honest and give borrowers a good deal but a few unscrupulous dealers are creating big headaches for the auto lending industry.