A Message To Fraud Fighters Wherever You Are

I originally recorded this video for a group of fraud fighters that worked internationally, but I wanted to share this message to you all and my insights into fraud and the important work you all do.

YouTuber Glitter Bombs A Scammer. We All Cheer!

Mark Rober has made a name for himself, famously glitter bombing porch pirates in the past. This time though, he turns the tables on a phone scammer, climbs the slimy chain of command and glitter bombs an actual scammer. Buckle up and watch this great video

FBI Fraud Report Is Here And Fraud is Surging In US

The FBI Released their annual report on fraud, and as we all expected the numbers showed a surge in reported fraud and scams for 2020. The FBI received a record number of complaints from the American public in 2020: 791,790, with reported losses exceeding $4.1 billion. That’s a 69% increase over 2019, and a doubling […]