Fraud Alert : You Should Always Hang Up On This Call

If you get a call from a phone number that you do not recognize and the person asks, “Can you Hear Me?”, the best thing you can possibly do is hang up the phone immediately. Law Enforcement is warning consumers across the US of a new scam that is gaining momentum. It is happening in […]

This CEO Tries to Convince Auto Lenders Fraud is Real

I love it when senior executives take a stand against fraud and try to do something about it. So when I read this article in Auto Finance Excellence – Roadblocks to Creating a Dealer Fraud Detection Network, I was pretty impressed with CEO Troy Cavallaro and what he has been trying to do. He has been […]

Up To 90% of Traffic To Online Retailers are From Fraud Bots

Threat Metrix released their latest CyberCrime Report for 2016 as you might expect, fraud attempts, particularly from BotNet attacks are soaring. As much as 90% of the traffic they track to key online retailers appears to originate from Bot’s programmed by hackers to infiltrate their systems, take over accounts and make fraudulent purchases. 700 Basis […]